Seattle Special Education PTSA
We assist families of students with disabilities as they navigate the education system.
We partner with parents and educators as we advocate for improvements in the special education system.
We build bridges between the general and special education communities in order to bring increased educational resources and opportunities for all students.
Multi-Tiered System of Supports
Seattle Special Education PTSA hosts RJ Monton, Director of MTSS with Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction to talk about how MTSS (Multi Tier System Supports) help students.
Mission & Vision
We advocate for Seattle students with disabilities and their families, guardians, educators, and others in the associated community.

Our members are the voices that make our advocacy possible. No not need to volunteer, you can support us by becoming a member! Please join the Seattle Special Education PTSA today!

The Guide
The award-winning A Guide to Special Education in Public Schools is available in 10 languages. This 24-page booklet has helped numerous families understan and navigate Special Education in Seattle.