Skills Center Information

It’s not too late to sign up for Seattle Public Schools Skills Center Summer courses. These are Career and Technical Education (CTE) classes and can count towards graduation credit.

Summer Internship Opportunities

This includes both, summer programs and opportunities during the school year. Learn more here.

Worried about your child and their development heading into the summer break? Concerned about their transition back to school in the fall?

Students with disabilities who qualify for special education and related services may receive services during the summer if the IEP Team, which includes parents, decides that the services are necessary in order for the student to access education. The purpose of extended school year services is the maintenance of the student’s learning skills or behavior, not the teaching of new skills or behaviors.

Student’s eligibility for extended school year services (ESY) can be based on:

  • Regression is the likelihood that the student will lose skills over the summer if educational services are interrupted in any area specified on the IEP.
  • Recoupment is the time it takes to recover previously acquired skills, or behaviors, to a level demonstrated before an interruption of services. This is based on documented evidence of recovery of skills.
  • The professional judgment of the team is a valid and not uncommon reason to qualify for ESY
  • Consideration of factors including the nature and severity of the student’s disability, rate of progress, and emerging skills.
  • A recommendation from a professional and or private provider is an important factor.

Ask your team for the school district’s criteria for determining the need for extended school year services to enable you to make informed decisions.

Check out the Washington Autism Alliance for Extended School Year services overview!

Talk to your child’s teams about your concerns for the summer and transition back to school in the fall.