Special Education Staff Changes at 50 Schools?

Special Education Staff Changes at 50 Schools?

District ignores its own contract, leaves staff and family voices out of decisions about special education staffing. The Seattle Special Education PTSA is concerned about the plan by Seattle Public Schools to make adjustments to special education staffing in 50...
Disability History Month

Disability History Month

Understanding Disability history is important — important enough that more than 10 years ago, state lawmakers passed a law to guarantee during the month of October each public school would: “Conduct or promote educational activities that provide...
School Board Testimony 9/22/21

School Board Testimony 9/22/21

At the last meeting of the Student Services, Curriculum & Instruction Committee, staff gave a presentation about how students will be identified for Advanced Learning and Hi-Cap services. The Department will not hold any in person or remote testing this year, but...