Solving Special Education Staff Shortages

Solving Special Education Staff Shortages

School districts face many challenges when hiring Special Education teachers and paraeducators. Washington state auditors recently investigated these challenges and described actionable solutions. The strategies in their report focus on finding and keeping qualified...
Call to Action! Support HB 1541

Call to Action! Support HB 1541

CLICK HERE TO TAKE ACTION by 7AM, FEBRUARY 16, 2024 You can choose to record your position as PRO for the legislative record without testifying or you can sign up to provide remote testimony or written testimony. HB 1541 will increase access and representation in...
Call to Action – Sign in CON SB 5966

Call to Action – Sign in CON SB 5966

After several years of advocacy from students, staff, parents, and community members, Seattle Public Schools has finally committed to improving alert systems District-wide so that Deaf, hard of hearing (D/HH), and Deafblind students and adults in the classrooms have...
HB 1436 Urgent call to action!

HB 1436 Urgent call to action!

You can take meaningful action in just 3 steps: Step 1. Message your Legislator Please send a comment to your legislator supporting HB 1436 and ask them to fully fund the education for all of Washington’s students by clicking here, Step 2. Email Senate leaders:...